Blue Ribbon Coaching

Blue Ribbon Coaching has the perfect programme for you.

Have you ever thought how much better your life could be? Have you ever thought “What if I could just quit smoking?” or “If only I could lose those few extra Kilos!” or how about “I wish I could have a better relationship with my husband or my kids”.
If you have ever found yourself thinking these sorts of things, then your not alone.

Merey Colquhoun has also struggled with these issues in her past. After spending many years battling with nicotine addiction, being overweight, living with an abusive partner and being miserable stuck in a situation that was literally killing her, Merey changed her life around. She gave up smoking, found the courage to leave her partner and got rid of 20kg of weight.

Now she is living with the man of her dreams, a non-smoking much healthier, happier person, Merey is able to help others on their life journey. Trained as a personal development life coach, with Beyond Success and started her own coaching business, Blue Ribbon Coaching, she specialises in one on one coaching for maximum results in what ever it is you’re struggling with. It might be an addiction like smoking, drinking, even biting your nails. Merey has helped many people take action and change their life. What about finding the man or woman of your dreams. Merey can help you with finding your perfect soul mate.

David who is a young Entrepreneur was struggling with securing a property and creating his new business, had this to say after having coaching for a few months:-
“I am grateful to Merey for being there to listen, mentor and guide me. She has shown great skills in these areas and has a natural gift with people! I'd recommend her to anyone looking for a kick arse lifestyle change for the better!” David K

Lillian, who wanted to quit smoking, started on Merey’s 28 day kick start program wrote this:-
“Merey has been ringing in every morning and checking in with me. i really look forward to our chats. Merey has pushed me to think about myself in such a better way, a much more positive way”.

Carole who has struggled in abusive relationships has discovered who she is and said this:-
“Showing me how to overcome my problems from past relationships with men, has given me a new lease on life. Her advice has been great and encouraging for me to move on”

Another of Merey’s clients, C Jones, says that she literally saved her life!
“Merey has totally saved my life and i mean that in really saved my life. Not long after my break down from which i did not want to live anymore ( Merey brought me through that) I was told i had cancer on my face which would have to be removed and leave me with a big scar that will be in the doctors words ‘very red and noticeable for 6 months or more.’ Merey rang me and coached me through it all the way not only did WE reduce its size WE also reduced the scar size and WE do not have a big red scar what we do have is NO cancer left and a LIGHT PINK CAT SCRATCH. I’m a much more stronger and positive me. So when i say i owe my life to Merey i mean it in more ways then one. So i am grateful to my coach for my LIFE and giving me my LIFE back.”

When asked “what motivates you to do this coaching”, Merey’s reply was simply “I want to help everyone achieve their highest potential, the whole world should feel as good as I do!”

It’s no coincidence that these clients and many more like them have found that engaging Merey as their coach and mentor, have found that they are not alone when dealing with these issues.

Merey is compassionate yet can get tough when she needs to be. Merey will tell you she doesn’t work with everyone “Not everyone is suited to my style of coaching and many have started and dropped off because, they just weren’t ready”.

So if you think that it’s time to change, and there’s no better time like NOW, contact
Blue Ribbon Coaching
today and have a chat.

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